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"I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. Gal 2:20 NKJV -


Psa 23:1 KJV - The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2  He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

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About Louis Dixon III, Prophet

Prophet Louis Dixon


Louis Dixon is a long-time resident of Denver, CO who asked the Lord into his life at the age of 25.  A man after God’s OWN heart and will, Louis believes that God’s Will is the only will we should seek after…all other things will follow.  Louis doesn’t see himself as either perfect or better than anyone else; he is simply a child of the King who strives to live the crucified life.  Louis’ goal in ministry is to be used as God’s instrument, going wherever He says to go. 


A retired law enforcement officer, Louis served in many different capacities within the ranks before retiring as a Commander. He is also the proud father of his daughter, US Navy Nurse, Arielle.  For over 25 years, Louis has participated in many facets of ministry: choirs, praise and worship, armor bearer, security, men’s ministry, counseling, and anything else that needed to be done.  God has placed Louis in a position to support members, pastors, and the Kingdom.


Louis is the founder of Louis Dixon III Ministries and Brother2Brother International Men’s Ministry. Louis has a heart and passion to see all mankind prosper in everything God has for us.  For many years, Louis has also participated in mission trips within the United States and around the world to Europe, Ghana, Uganda, and Kenya, ministering the gospel. 


Louis’ goal in life is to be a catalyst to help others walk in their healing, deliverance, freedom, peace, and in the joy of the Lord.  He desires to teach the gospel and expose the truths of the Bible to everyone who will listen. 


“God and the word of God is our source.  For in Him we live, move, and have our being.”

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Meet The Brothers

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Dennis sempebwa, Ph.D., D.Min., D.D.


Dennis is the founder and president of Eagle’s Wings International, an urban missionary organization with hubs in twenty-six countries.


He is the president and CEO of The Sahara Wisdom Center, a multi-national training corporation committed to inspiring transformational thinking in academia, private institutions and governments.


Dennis is the founder and chancellor of THE 300, a globally accredited ministry training college dedicated to equipping 21st century believers for the Great Commission.


Dubbed as one of Africa’s new breed of top pragmatic leaders, Dennis has served in seventy-five countries and authored fourteen books. He is a Global Goodwill Ambassador and a highly sought-after speaker who holds numerous earned doctorate degrees.


Dennis has been married to his beloved wife, Ingrid, for twenty-three years. They are blessed with five children: Adam, Abigail, Caleb, Judah, and Elijah. They currently reside in the great state of Texas in the USA.

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Apostle Timothy Boston


Husband, father, teacher, preacher, musician, entrepreneur, and leader are just a few words to describe Apostle Timothy Boston. Apostle Timothy Boston is the founder and senior pastor of The Ark International Worship Center, formerly known as Jubilee Word of Faith. He also serves as co-founder and board member of The Life Network.


Apostle Boston is not only a gifted speaker but a talented musician. Boston has had the opportunity to work with such artists as Dr. Joe Pace and the Colorado Mass and many others. He has also served as the Minister of Music for West Texas, Colorado, and New Mexico jurisdiction for the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship. Apostle Boston is the president and founder of Boston Music Group, a music publishing and consulting firm. Apostle Boston is in the process of finishing his first book entitled “The Ministry of The Minstrel'', Set for a 2021 release with Dixon Publishing.  

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Pastor/Elder Louis Ray III


Louis is a man who has a heart for God.  With over 15 years of combined Pastor, Associate Pastor, Youth Pastor, and teaching experience, Pastor Ray serves as an Elder and Superintendent of Christian Education at A Refuge in the City Church, a growing church and outreach ministry in Denver, CO.  He is also the founder of several ministries including Pop’s Crib, Sheep Talk, Not Yo Mommas Bible Study and Daddy’s Girl, which is a ministry geared toward woman who have forgotten that they belong to the Father. They all under Love on Purpose, which was inspired by the character of his late daughter, BreAnna Ray.


The most exciting times he has spent in ministry has been teaching the Word of God in small group sessions.  His passion is for people to know God intimately.  He loves sharing one of his favorite Bible scripture: “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” John 17:3.


Twenty-six years ago, Louis married his “Dream Girl,” Kim Ray who is also a minister of the Gospel. He has four children and a granddaughter, along with many young men and women that call him Father in the Faith


Louis has always loved the Steelers and the Broncos, with the Steelers being his first choice. He is a huge sports fan, but has been known to say, “I don’t miss church to watch my favorite teams, they tend to win or lose whether he is watching or not.”

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Pastor Langston Jacobs


Langston Jacobs is Senior Pastor of Greater Legacy Christian Fellowship in Denver, Colorado.  As a native of Denver, Colorado he has a true heart for the broken, deliverance, and men’s ministry. As a young man, Langston felt a strong calling for ministry and throughout the years, God has developed, positioned, and given him a steadfast heart for the Lord. Langston has a Bachelor of Arts from Wilberforce University, Ohio.   Pastor Langston is a graduate of Liberty University, receiving a Masters in Pastoral Counseling Christian Ministry. 


Several years ago, Pastor Langston co-founded a church in Muncie, IN, having served in various capacities such as: Co-Pastor, Youth Pastor, Sunday School Superintendent, and praise and devotion leader. Pastor Langston also served as a full-time chaplain at New Castle Correctional Facility. Through the development of preparation for ministry, Pastor Langston has founded Invest N' Manhood men’s ministry.

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Mr. Rob Lohman


Sober since 2001, Rob Lohman currently helps people suffering from substance abuse to find freedom from addiction and incarceration.  He does this through sharing his testimony, Professional Interventions and Recovery Coaching, Advocacy, Self-Published Author and being the host of Beyond The Bars Radio Podcast and the Addiction, Freedom & Faith Podcast. Rob has been through the ringer, AND keeps bouncing back.  His rap sheet includes alcohol and drug addiction, gambling addiction, divorce, bankruptcies, mental health and suicide ideation, prison, recovery, and transformation.  


Rob's drinking career started at age 14 which lead to some very dark places in his life.  The climax of Rob's drinking career happened on June 7, 2001, with a suicide attempt interrupted by the compassion of his dog Jake.  Upon a divine intervention, Rob was freed from his substance abuse addiction which began a rollercoaster ride in which Rob has yet to take another drink or drug since that day.   In year eleven (11) of his sobriety journey, Rob had an emotional nervous breakdown which lead to a thirteen (13) year prison sentence, to which he was released in 10.5 months to a halfway house where he started to rebuild his life, along with his two children and wife who decided to remain married to Rob after the breakdown. Rob now invests in the lives of those wanting to see positive change, whether it is coming out of addiction, prison, or just wanting more for their lives.  He is a dynamic speaker and shares an extremely powerful journey of persistence, faith and inspiration.   Remote or face-to-face interviews, please contact Rob via OR 970.331.4469

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Minister Myron Williams


Myron Williams: Faithfully serves under the leadership of Bishop TD Jakes of the Potters House of Dallas, Texas. He has people served in the same ministry of Audio/Video Duplication for 20 years and also mentors teens in Foster Care as well.

He is blessed to be a blessing to others.

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Apostle Errol Williams


Apostle Williams is the Senior Pastor of New Alpha Worship Center, Miami, FL.  Apostle Williams is a man after God’s own heart.  Not only is he a student of the word of God, but he also lives it to his fullness.  His desire is to see people grow in Christ and sustain a lasting relationship with our Heavenly Father.

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Prophet Albert McClinton


Albert McClinton has served in ministry for 18 years. He has been ministering the Gospel since the age of 15. He loves the church and believes that the church much changes its methods not it's message in order to reach a new generation of people.


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